The stages towards certification
1. Starting up the scheme, assessment and upgrading
Evaluate the performance of your organisation by means of the EcoEntreprise Checklist on the OKpilot tool using the evaluation criteria and pathways to good practice (step-by-step troubleshooting). This stage can be carried out internally (self-evaluation) or using an adviser / coach if the resources are not available within the business .
Implement measures for improvement if the outcomes obtained are inadequate .
A trial of the EcoEntreprise checklist (demo version) lasting 30 days is available on request.
To identify the chapters which the organisation needs to tackle (modular system), it is recommended that a positioning exercise be carried out beforehand dependent upon the organisation’s size and the complexity of its activities, and upon the extent to which it wishes to incorporate all aspects of corporate social responsibility.
2. Preparing for certification
Ensure that the organisation has met the intended EcoEntreprise Certification requirements (Standards). Put new improvement measures into place if this is not so.
The requirements are either available in the format of an xls / pdf form to be completed or directly in the form of an online checklist via the OKpilot tool .
At this stage, you can still advertise the approach you have initiated as being “in progress”, or advertise its outcomes via a progress report (CSR report), a public presentation, etc .
3. Certification audit - Certification
Commission an accredited certification body which will appoint an auditor, through a certification audit, to verify the achievements of the organisation and ensure that the measures listed have indeed been implemented. EcoEntreprise audits are carried out by independent certification bodies.
It is also possible for a pre-audit (“dummy audit”) to be carried out to assess whether your organisation is ready for the certification audit. Contact us for more information.
The EcoEntreprise Certificate awarded to an organisation is valid for 3 years once the external audit has been passed. If the organisation so wishes, the certificate awarded to the business will clearly display its performance as a figure (e.g. Sustainable Development score: 87%). If necessary, the auditor may ask for corrective action to be undertaken within an agreed time period. He may also suggest pathways for improvement.
4. Maintien de la certification - audits de suivi
Implement planned actions for improving performance, dependent upon your capacity for improvement, and taking into account your opportunities and limitations. Monitoring audits, which are more “light touch” than the certification audit (e.g. lasting for between 0.5 and 1 day) will review the measures intended or being monitored after a first, then after a second year.