Businesses / SMEs (services / production)
An EcoEntreprise approach promotes :
- efficiency: identifying paths to improvement (organisation, operational costs, eliminating risks)
- the provision of evidence of good practice:
- public contracts
- private sector (especially for large ISO-certified businesses) - image improvement: as a responsible business
- objective communication: e.g. CSR report
- ease of access to the ISO standards (ISO 14001, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 26000)
- ease in monitoring adherence to good practice in respect of sustainable development / corporate social responsibility or other areas (see below).
Benefits to the business
- organisation
- coûts opérationnels, efficience
- maîtrise des risques
- crédibilité, image, démarcation de la concurrence
- relations avec ses parties prenantes
- accès facilité aux normes ISO
Benefits to companies already certificated
- simplification of the management system
- a new challenge
- increases in the scope of certification: other ISO standards, further good practices
You want to know more, contact us